Ok, I’m going to admit it … I’m a television geek! I love watching the tube and this Sunday one of my favorite all-time programs returns to HBO! Games of Thrones starts this Sunday at 9:00pm and I am pumped !! If you’ve been watching the series, I’m sure you are pretty excited as well. GOT is a television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. It is an adaptation of “A Song of Ice and Fire”, George R.R. Martin’s series of fantasy novels, the first of which is titled “A Game of Thrones”. The series is filmed in a Belfast studio and on location elsewhere in Ireland, Malta, Scotland Iceland and Morocco. It premiered on HBO in the United States on April 17, 2011. The series was renewed for a fourth season, to debut on HBO this Sunday, April 6, 2014.

The series is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos. There are multiple families fighting a civil war to see who sit on the “Iron Throne” and rule the Seven Kingdoms. There has been a decade-long summer and there are worries about the rising threat of the impending winter and the mythical creatures of the North.

There are plenty of war scenes, numerous battles and blood flies freely. The sex scenes are amazing and with a little bit of editing, GOT would make a great porn movie! That said, the sex scenes have caused a bit of problem and possibly limited some of the awards and acclaims the series has garnered.

If you watched last season, the “Red Wedding” episode shocked thousands and to this day is one of the best hours of television I have ever watched! This year get ready for Joffrey’s wedding and the arrival of Daenerys Targaryen and her three dragons as she battles Tywin Lannister. If you haven’t watched the series I highly recommend it!

I can’t wait to watch this season that is subtitle “All Men Must Die”. What-ever-you-do, please don’t call me between 9:00pm and 10:00pm Sunday night ‘cuz I won’t be answering the telephone!